In the beginning, there was paper…. And we actually used it to manage our schedules and keep track of stuff. The product that we used then still exists today…. a Day-Timer. In the early days, we actually held classes on how to use your Day-Timer planner to more effectively manage your days. They were things of beauty. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly sections in which you very neatly and concisely made notes of appointments and kept track of everything you ever needed to know. A very critical element in the use of the Day-Timer was the concept of “time activating” something. That meant that you went to the page that had the targeted date and time for what you wanted to set up, such as a meeting, and you made a well-documented little note to that effect. You “time activated” that meeting. Everyone knows what you meant when you said you would “time activate” it.
So why does this matter? Let's move from the past to the pandemic-driven situation of today. Today we are all deskbound video meeting driven communication gurus all working from home while trying to ALSO manage life at home, kids at home, pets at home, interruptions at home, AND remain relevant to all of those around our world. No pressure! Yeah right!
One answer that I have to keep a bit of sanity in our externally driven day is to “time activate” 3 distinct breaks in the day. Pick 15 minutes in the morning, “time activate” a short break to get up, move, do something distinctly different from what you have been doing. The movement part is critical. Our WFH mode is not giving us the “steps” that we need in a day unless you REALLY work at it. The second break can be lunch with the family, again moving away from the other workspace. Let them know that you would love to have lunch with them and actually schedule it with all. Then in the afternoon do another 15-minute “time activated” break. Gotta move!
Your ‘calendar” is YOURs, step up and control it a bit.
So just thought about how to be a bit more in control of our days, that turn into weeks, that slide into months… all working from home.
Just consider this as a possibility for this week and see how it goes…
OK, Lets Roll!
- Mitch