There are a number of truly brilliant folks out there in the world today writing about all things needed to thrive in current times! I read most of them and am often challenged to myself write about something unique and different that adds value for you. I find that much of this work…INCLUDING MINE…can perhaps be too much. By the time a few days have gone by I most certainly am not working into much of these brilliant writings. Not a problem with the material or the author. I believe that our challenge is input overload. I am an engineer/mechanic by education, trade, and passion. The challenge of input overload is easily visualized by watching what happens when you pour WAY TOO much water into a funnel trying to fill a glass. A lot of the goodness flows over the edges onto the floor. So, what, again you say?
Well, I have decided to change what I write…. to “mostly” simplify my messages. And that is not an easy thing to do for me. So please forgive my rambling as I explain my simplification!
A quote attributed to many different people is… “If I had more time I would have written a shorter letter”.
Simplification. And that is what is needed. So I will tackle it. Let me know how I am doing. From time to time I may come back and blather on a bit. Oh well.
So from there… here we go.
Simple thoughts drive powerful actions and they are more easily remembered, put into action, evolved, and socialized.
One of the most powerful traits that a human can possess is a natural sense of HUMILITY. It can be in your DNA, it can be passed from others, and you CAN develop it yourself. My thought for this week then is…
My friend Hendre Coetzee tells me that humility “is having power under control”! Think strong take action.
How to start with caring about the other person! Listen closely. Take action in support of THEM.
CARE greatly
SERVE endlessly
Ok, let’s roll!