Mitch Little is driven to create value. He started in the days when sales people were the kings and queens of data, and every customer was glad to see them. Today, he leads the Microchip worldwide sales and application team, the only non-commissioned sales team in the industry. In September 2015 Microchip posted its 100th consecutive quarter of profitability – a record that no other semiconductor company can equal and which they continue to better themselves.


Shiftability Book


Some books are based on academic research or extensive data collection and analysis or psychology and theory. This is a book grounded in real life experience of working in the trenches of business-to-business complex sales. We will be sharing with you what we have lived and learned ourselves.


The Blog

Irregular and Irreverent Thoughts from a Sales Fanatic.


closing the deal, what's next, asking for the order, sales, sales leadership

Stop Closing!

Mitch LittleSales sales, sales leadership, selling

Take Action Now

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Plan. Do. Review.

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