To the WW Client Engagement team;

Why do I care how much YOU care?

That was the question I ended with last week!

This may be my shortest blog ever…the answer is not too complex.

I care how much you care because I believe that we ALL can make a difference in the lives of those that we serve around us every day. And the mind shift to making that difference begins simply with CARING about others deeply, sincerely, openly, and completely. Caring and acting on it will be the greatest shift that you will ever make. AND that will change the world! One CARING act at a time with our clients, our family, our friends, and our teammates!

That is my WHY! The how is embedded in SHIFTABILITY!

Look out world, here we come! CARING about others.


Next week we start on the UNDERSTANDING rungs of the ladder.




Caring has been the subject of my thinking and writing for quite a while now. It goes back to understanding what truly motivates people and what motivates me. Somewhere along the line of working with thousands of “sales” people across every continent (well, not counting our penguin colleagues in Antarctica!), the singular point of CARING became clear as the genesis of all great outcomes especially in the art of serving others.

It became crystal clear for me and I memorialized that perspective with a tattoo on my calf nearly 20 years ago. Since then I have gone on to add more to that art gallery, but the first one set the standard. Born in the year of the dragon in 1952 I have always been enthralled by that “mythical” being. Representing the spiritual part of the balance of being, yin-yang, the dragon became my symbolic commitment to caring. Above the large, colorful dragon that is tattooed on my right calf are the three words that guide me daily…MAKE A DIFFERENCE. My objective there is each and every day I will make a difference for someone! Stranger, family, teammate…every day, somehow, some way. WHY, because I CARE to make a difference.

My singular focus of caring is simple sounding and extremely difficult to DO! Stepping back from concept to look at HOW we demonstrate that we care is where the work begins.

I have said it before and I will say it again… other people do NOT care how much you know until they KNOW how much you care, and it must be extremely obvious that you care from the heart and soul and it is not a “tactic” that you are executing.

How do you demonstrate truthful caring? It’s actually pretty easy. You show you care by seeking deeply to understand others. Understand because you choose to co-create greatness when you get the understanding going. You seek out knowledge about others, their challenges, their desires, their goals, the outcomes that they are driving for. It’s not simply information that you seek, it's back to the big “U” word…UNDERSTANDING. You look for as much clarity and completeness of the search that you can possibly create. It’s not just asking questions. That can be too mechanical. It's looking at the “why” of what is desired. The “why” is the motivating drive behind the “what” that is being looked for. It’s a dialog, not a series of Q&A. It’s actually a very contextually specific dialog based on the nature of the conversation itself. You don’t go talking about plumbing with an electrical contractor. Well, of course, you can, but you won’t likely be creating any substantial value for either of you.

This all takes preparation, study, self-reflection, and time. To open up the door for an insightful discussion you must start the ball rolling with delivering insights that create curiosity, that opens up the mini invite to further the conversation and your understanding.

You all have examples of what this conversation can look like. In my technology space here is one…

…talking with Bonnie, an engineering manager of a network equipment manufacturer…

Bonnie, our global client base of over 125,000 tells us that one of the biggest challenges that they face today in the area of new product development is that a majority of their R&D engineers have been shifted over to re-engineering older products for manufacturability. Many of them have told us that as much as 75% of those critical new product resources have been redirected. That must put a BIG dent in the introduction of new products for them. Are you experiencing something like that in your world? (assuming a yes answer)…wow, tell me how that is impacting you and your team.

Insight, curiosity, inquiry… open the conversation door. Continue digging deeper into the PERSONAL impact that it is having on her and her team. How about the impact on the corporation. Keep digging… because you care to understand and then serve.

Take time to create your own caring understanding thinking, then put it to work…because you care.

Why do I care how much you care? More on that next week.

OK, LET’s ROLL! Digging deeper into it all!


To Care, or not to Care, that is the question!

Or is it?

The real question is first WHY should I care?

We’ll get to that.

Let’s start with a bit of a reframe. The list of all of the leading “sales processes” discussed earlier all have a common theme…selling.

Here is where we take a totally different tack and think of things “different”.

In our book SHIFTABILITY we talked deeply about the need to make a change. Since the publishing of that book just a few years ago, the world has changed multiple times over and continues on an almost daily evolution of nearly everything. The question is asked…the world has changed…have you? And if we are going to keep up with a highly dynamic environment we also must evolve…quickly, and put ourselves into a constant state of effective evolution.

Making a change in ourselves requires that we take several steps. We start with changing our thinking, how we see the world. This leads to changing our beliefs, what was true once is no longer. This takes us to changing our actions, doing things that we had not done before. Which all can lead to changing outcomes to make a difference in the world.

(the book SHIFTABILITY outlines the specific work needed to make this all happen, and remember all the proceeds go to

If it is your desire to make a difference in the world then CUSP is your “process”.

As was said just a bit ago, the greatest sales “process” ever… is actually…


Because the key to making the shift is understanding that all of what we DO is actually a HUMAN process, NOT any sort of selling process, so STOP selling and get to serving.

(“SSN” is the three-letter acronym that sums up the entire methodology. Simple, powerful, and tough to do well.)

The genesis for effective change and growth through serving is CARING! It is the motivator for taking the time to do all else that is needed to help those we serve to accomplish what THEY want to accomplish. The focus is external and simple. We care! We think that way. We create plans that way. We communicate that way. It is not just what we do, it is who we ARE. We ARE people that care about those that we serve because it comes naturally to us as part of our inner beliefs. We acknowledge that attribute openly and we seek feedback on the execution of our belief. A challenge to you…have extreme courage, ask those around you if you come across like a caring person. Dig into their response and look for ways to learn about enhancing this aspect of ourselves.

I know from my own experience that this is the normal perspective that most people involved in client engagement all share. We have asked hundreds of folks over the last many years why they get up each day to tackle the endeavor of serving clients and the response it best summarizes as they like to “help people”. They care!

There is an old quote that comes into play here. It has to do with the people you serve and your business relationship with them. Your credibility with a client is important to you and instrumental to them and how they will view your engagement with them. The source for this quote seems to have multiple possibilities. The quote is, “people do not care how much you know until they know how much you care.” Acknowledged caring is the first block in the foundation.

We will look more at what CARING looks like in action next…

OK, LET’s ROLL!… and keep the caring coming!



And so it began, the search for the best “sales process” that solved all the world's challenges and brought prosperity to humankind.

In the early 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s selling went through a number of evolutions from Snake Oil salespeople to pyramid selling to mood selling, barrier selling, and the great work done by Dale Carnegie on Relationship Selling.

While a lot happened in those early days the 60s is where it made a huge shift with work done by Xerox. Their methodology was so successful that they packaged and sold it to other companies under the name of Professional Selling Skills. That form of thinking prevailed for quite a while, and I studied that process in my early days as well. Then the flood gates opened and the search for selling Nirvana went full speed ahead. Thru the 60s and 70s things took a few turns and every few years we had a brand new magic answer to how to “sell” better. Some of the more notable selling methodologies are below.

It can be said that many of these had success. A few became almost cult-like in nature. All of these are related to the world of the complex sell. Not a simple transaction sale of simple nature. This would be B2B selling as we know it today. Most with a many-month cycle time.

As we sit here today we find ourselves in a brand new world and again, in search of the magic selling wand that does everything. And, just as in the early days, there is no easy answer. It is not magic. But this time we do have THE WAY…. What is true now, has always been true. There is an answer that is at our fingertips, that WILL create the outcomes that you desire. The greatest sales methodology ever, or sales process ever, or whatever label you need to apply to it is THIS….


Ok, what? Crazy right? Nope. Sane as heck with a proven way of doing the job, for the benefit of ALL. And outcomes that every client, corporate stakeholder, and salesperson anywhere would give their all to have! The data will prove it.

Over the next many weeks we are going to spell out the Why, How, and What to the CUSP way of serving our clients. CUSP, in case you did not catch this in the few hundred other articles on CUSP, means…

CARE greatly,
SERVE endlessly, with

We will dig into each of the 4 quadrants, explain what is meant, why we do it, and how it actually gets done, what it looks like in action.

And so it starts…..


So you think you CARE! How do you know? Who have you asked? What did they say? What were your follow on thoughts and questions?

Why should you care…. That and more in the CARE world….next week….

And dig into your sense of caring.


Let’s go back to basics…. CUSP! And so it goes….

CARE greatly,
SERVE endlessly, with

Now, let’s dive into one very deep aspect of it all…. To SERVE!

Let’s start off with a few of the greatest quotes of all time on this topic. Notice the powerhouse names taking these positions.

“The essence of life is to serve others and do good.” – Aristotle

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” – Mahatma Ghandi

“Serving others prepares you to lead others.” – Jim George

“I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I do know: the only ones among you will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.” – Albert Schwietzer

“Only a life lived in the service to others is worth living.” – Albert Einstein

“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.” – Muhammad Ali

Great variations on the theme of serving others. And now let’s take it a bit further down the CUSP trail. In that sense we say…SERVE endlessly. That is a key to making this entire “servant selling” concept work. And behind that is one really huge caveat. Not only do we start our client engagement with the objective of serving them to solve their needs, but we continue that theme throughout the entire engagement, project by project, challenge by challenge, beginning to end.

And we must do so without expectations and limitations. That is best phrased by the concept of “SERVE WITHOUT RESERVE”. Said in other words, do not limit your service. Do not preconceive what you need to do to serve well… ASK the client! You ask because you CARE and you seek to UNDERSTAND. Stay true to the 4 keys to creating client success (CUSP) and you will not fail. You will learn, you will co-create, you will enable others into the greatness of their own, you will serve without reserve.

To do this well requires preparation, planning, study, listening, learning, and a lot of hard work.

To close, another quote. From General Colin Powell. “There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.”

This applies completely to the success in serving our client, our team, our family, our church, or our community.

OK, LET’S ROLL…. And let’s get deep into SERVING!


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