Beyond thoughts…. Here is the reality, and the actions needed now!
Do you have the gumption to read the TRUTH, act on the TRUTH, and make a DIFFERENCE? Let me know (!
I have known Sharon-Drew Morgen for quite a while. Her thinking has always been at the cutting edge of making a difference in many areas, including SELLING. Her summary of the challenges that are VERY REAL today in the selling world, is in the blog link below. Many of the thought leaders of today’s selling world have written deeply on this subject. Me too! This is the best work done on the challenge and the fix!!!
Sharon-Drew’s perspective on the problems caused by doing what has always been done is deadly accurate. In this case, she has also provided actionable plans on how to correct the issues that you all face daily.
It is MY deeply founded belief that one of the most impactful causations of sales team failure in today’s teams is the compensation system that is widely used to manipulate the sales team. My position on that soapbox is pretty clear by now. Enough said!
If you REALLY want to make a difference in how your clients are served, how your team thinks, what they believe, and the outcomes that REALLY matter….. read the blog! Only the brave will tackle making the changes needed to facilitate disruption. And only WITH disruption will we create change and make a difference with EVERYONE in our broad team.
OK, LET’S ROLL! Now, disruptively, differently, and make the world a better place!
Mitch Little
p.s. and for those that are comfortable with where you are, and how you are doing, you are kidding yourself. In that complacency is the deadliest of blindness. If you are TODAY, not making big changes in how you do what you do, then you are already deeply behind the curve. While you believe that you’re clients are NOT the 75% saying that they would like to NOT have someone call on them, your team will be lumped into the masses that prove this point and in general, will be shunned and pushed back on. Get it together now and build the process that will make your clients call out for your team as they become the only trusted advisors on the client’s list. Anything less is just order-taking!